Mosslanda: Denton Road - On a knife edge…

A Mosslanda is just a diarama until you add a fiddle stick - then it becomes a model railway. Trains come and go, a journey begins, dreams grow from memories…

Denton Road is different to previous Mosslanda. Its trackbed is raised from the base - this meant I have been pondering how to add the fiddle sticks since I built it last year. In the end it was a simple solution - a support on the end of the stick to take it to the roadbed height and then a set of alignment pieces that hold it securely against the layout. 

I’ve used some copper clad sleepers for the ends, and some phosphor bronze wire on the stick bears on the sleeper on the layout transferring power. Does it work? 

I was so excited to run the Pacer into place here - it brings the scene to life seeing the train leave the layout. There is also excitement and a hope I’ve assembled it properly and the Pacer doesn’t dive to the floor…

With this important step completed my thoughts turn to the last few structures requiring scratch building… because the layout is so compact it has developed quickly, I love how different it is to the previous Mosslanda and yet, how it feels part of the journey. As I type this the next chapter in Mosslanda is coming together and might be a bit of a surprise (it isn’t Lymington!). For now though I hope this has been a useful detail to share - and until next time, more soon…

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  1. I'm loving how Denton Road is coming along! Although seeing that Pacer with nothing between itself and a high fall does make me nervous (though I have no doubt you'll be putting in an end-stop). Look forward to keeping up with this layout! :)

    1. Thanks! Yes, there will PERHAPS be an end stop - but this keeps you honest - and without I take a great deal of care.


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