Inspection required…

I had been contemplating spending nearly £150* on a Revolution ‘Caroline’ for 97304 before sensible head kicked in and I relented. However, thoughts on a cheaper solution continued…

The idea of adding 37405 and 10 log wagons has subsided of late but the prototype often runs with shorter trains - perhaps a piece of track equipment (such as a tamper) or occasionally an inspection saloon…

The Revolution model is wonderful, and certainly worthy of being considered a locomotive in terms of decoration, detail and justifying the price. However, it was going to be wasted on DC on my small micro layouts… The N gauge society commissioned a smaller, shorter, cheaper version from Bachmann a number of years ago now - I wondered if this could be the basis for some plausible reality?

I decided a ‘preserved’ era livery might be more believable and so this period maroon one was sourced from Kernow with a set of B4 bogies. Should be a simple replacement, or so I thought…

The bogies unclip very easily and the B4 were a straight swap… but (top photo below) they left the ride height somewhat on stilts! The bogies had a moulding around the hole that raised the coach by around 1mm (or 6”). Carefully removing this with a dull blade allowed me to drop the ride to the original level, and give the coach a more modern appearance. Adding details to one end and a DG to the other she was ready for testing…

The result, even at this stage, sits well with 97304. A few stages remain, beyond the obvious weathering. First of all I need to add some modern overhead warning flashes, and second, an orange cantrail stripe. Then it’s a question of whether it needs yellow ends… for now, probably not, assuming it’s only ever towed…. What about an ETH socket or something though?

Sometimes these ‘easy’ projects are just challenging enough to feel satisfying yet not overwhelming. I’ve enjoyed swapping the bogies and getting this to feel right. Yes there is more to come, but for now, I’m enjoying the pairing on Wrecsam and wondering if they’ll ever get to stretch their legs on a larger (DC powered!) layout one day? Until next time, more soon…

I should qualify this statement - as upon re-reading I’m unhappy with its connotation.
I wasn’t critiquing the price of the Revolution model, rather, how much I could justify spending on a non-core modelling project.

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  1. I considered buying Caroline too, the NSE version looked good. I already own two Farish saloons and decided that I couldn't justify the cost. I like the fact you have gone for a maroon finish on your saloon James. Wouldn't it be great standing on the platform on a grey February day at Wrecsam when the combination of inspection saloon and yellow 37 arrived instead of the usual DMU!! Take care.

    1. Sounds like you're sorted for inspection saloons! I do think it fits the feel of Wrecsam...

  2. I should probably explain that the reason that Caroline is the price comes down to it being unique and therefore we will sell an awful lot less than Farish’s LMS inspection saloon (and that’s before you consider improved features or inflation). That said the Farish inspection saloon is a bargain from the NGS! Ultimately it depends on whether we are trying to model real trains or not - modern operations (ie certainly since the 97s have been around) would use Caroline, older operations used LMS saloons eg this lovely image at Porthmadog

    1. I didn’t have a problem with the price, completely agree and understand. Fantastic spec, unique prototype, hugely characterful. I just couldn’t justify it for the infrequent use and non-core modelling subject! I wanted to show the Farish one could perhaps fit for those less hung up on absolute prototype accuracy…

  3. I realised when I reread my comments on Caroline that it might have sounded too critical. Apologies to the revolution team for any negativity, the model is superb. I do own other revolution models, several Zanders and a brace of mullet. My brother has a model of Caroline in N gauge and is very happy with it.

    1. I didn’t read it as critical. It’s an expensive model. Mike was justifying the price because I expect they’ve had some heat on socials about it but in my opinion there wasn’t a need to here on the humble blog! I don’t have a problem with the price, I think it reflects the quality of the product, for me, I just couldn’t justify it - and sounds like you were in a similar position for different reasons. I too own, and will shortly own even more, Revolution products.

      In the case of the Farish makeover, it works for me in terms of cost / time / quality, I’ve added the modern details so once she’s weathered I’ll do a follow up…


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