On Video: Capturing the everyday...

Last week I enjoyed catching up with George. We met in Chirk to watch some trains before heading for coffee and cake...

There is something about the reflective video style that I am quite taken with practicing at present. This is a rather amateur attempt, but upon re-watching it feels as genuine as it was - an unrehearsed capture of two friends talking trains. It sort of is a short form follow up to the original George and James show filmed last year...

So come and join us - and let me know, should we do more of this? Leave me a comment with any thoughts or reflections. These sorts of videos never do as well on YouTube as the model making or layout tours, but they are perhaps an opportunity to cross over into a more conversational and engaging format. George and I enjoy them - we both say we should do more, but some encouragement certainly wouldn't go amiss! For now, until next time, more soon...

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