Three links…

The plans for the N gauge coal themed layout call for wagons in short fixed rakes. Whilst DG will allow me to shunt each rake hands free there is no requirement to seperate each trio during operation…

I mocked up fixed metal wire links, even some Microtrains knuckles I had in stock but they all looked too obtrusive (strangely in a way the DG don’t). I was looking through my parts box for inspiration when I came across my supply of 4mm scale coupling hooks and chains. In and amongst these were some ‘fine’ chain links from Smiths that I used to replace the centre link on my OO wagons if they dragged across the rails on turnouts.

I wondered? Could these work?

Connecting them into threes I simply superglued the outer links to the frames of the first trio which proved the concept but was quite tight. On the second and third trio I added tiny brass wire ‘hooks’ under the floor behind the buffer beam. These allow the wagons to be separated if required, and hang down almost realistically. 

Of course these are over scale, and I never intended them to be anything but - and I’m sure there are other options, some finer, some coarser, some cheaper and some more expensive. These solved two problems for me, and so I’m sharing here in case they solve a problem for you. If not, then just enjoy another two photos of the excellent Coventry Rail Works wagons on Paxton Road. 

Until next time, more soon…

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