Kohlenbachbrücke print uncovered…

I’m very lucky that my former model railways have all gone to good homes, even luckier that some have gone to friends. I always enjoy an unexpected message from David and this arrived out of the blue yesterday…

Kohlenbachbrücke 1983, photo David Murray

“Found this at the bottom of an old box of prints. It must be from InterRail days. ‘83 was indeed a Long Hot Summer and this wasn’t the only time light got into the camera. I think I’m right in saying this is at the chemical works you went onto model some forty years later?”

This photo and these words need no further comment, thank you David. Until next time more soon…

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  1. Superb! If I had just one photograph like that of 37671 from Lostwithiel in 1995 it would be my most treasured possession. I suppose my next layout needs to be Lostwithiel so I can make it happen! Great work and great storytelling. Take care.

    1. Thanks Tom (yes and I'm sure thanks to David too!) You don't need to model Lostwithiel to day dream. I find my layouts can be a bit location agnostic - I'm sure you can recognise the same - would love to see a photo sometime!


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