Sentinel in OO: Primed and ready for paint...

The RT Models Sentinel I have been building during lock down has now been detailed and primed ready for painting...
It's always the same, adding primer brings the model to life! The details all tie in together and the subtle small rivets I paintstakingly pressed out from behind really stand out now.
Since the last photos I've added the finishing details, buffers, coupling guard, sand pipes and levers, and more importantly the roof...
This is formed from an inner and outer section. You form the curve on the inner section and then solder on the thin wrapper and roll down the edges to match the roof profile of the body. It's a neat trick... less neat is the incredibly fiddly rain strips, bending these needed the hold and fold, soldering them needed a miracle as they kept moving despite being held with blu-tak! However, the result is a strong join that will resist handling damage. The roof vents are modelled open, and I used scrap etch to model the square section opening brackets.
From above you can see the chimney from the boiler, mounted in the cab. Next up will be some paint, I'm thinking either dark blue, or maroon with some custom transfers. I did consider lining, but in 4mm scale I think there just isn't the space to fit it around the slightly over scale hand rail knobs etc, and so would probably just add lettering. We'll see... for now though I'm letting the primer harden up.
Although this is a personal model, I would enjoy any one's commissions so if you've got one of these you'd like me to build for you, then get in touch via the form, Facebook or the forums. In the meantime, more soon...
