Halifax South Western GP9RM: First look…

I’m so excited again, I’ve finished the first side of the Halifax South Western GP9RM…

A few weeks ago I shared the GP9RM I’ve been building from a Kaslo shell. The transfers are a mix of some I’ve designed and some from Smokebox Graphics. I’ve tried to depict a later period than my other TerraTransport models, with the additional yellow reflective striping and extra warning labels on the hood side.
Hopefully once they harden off tonight I’ll add the second side tomorrow! Still some way to go, with the sealing and then weathering, let alone the LED headlight… until next time, more soon…


  1. That looks FANTASTIC!

    With the white "face" it has a very BN feel to it.

    1. The white face is interesting as I needed something when designing the look that broke up the green but not in a way the red broke up CNs black. It needed to not be an obvious parallel as TT green was about its independence from CN, not about showing allegiance. Thanks Steve, I’m really pleased with how she’s looking.


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