Commission: Custom name and number…

All commissions great and small are equal here in North Wales. Today’s model is small in size and scope…

This N gauge Dapol Hall has been renamed and numbered. These etched brass details being custom designed by myself to fit the space left after removing the Dapol original.

Sometimes it’s easy to forget how small these models are, especially given the level of finesse we have come to expect in N gauge. Those huge couplers soon remind us though!

If you have a model you’d like me to modify, perhaps to honour a friend or family member, a work colleague or an event then I can create custom etched brass for supply or supply and fitting. This can be combined with repainting and weathering to create a custom model that meets your exact specification. Any scale or gauge get in touch for a personal proposal. Until next time, more soon…

I love writing and creating material for the blog. If you enjoy what you read and engage with I would be appreciative of any donation, large or small, to help me keep it advert and restriction free.


  1. Yes, my customer wanted something a bit ruder but I advised this was more subtle and actually almost more effective as a result.

  2. Did not pick up on the name until I read Simon's post. Perhaps your customer thought that would be what Collett thought of the CME's of other railways !!!



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