Mosslanda: Shades of Avonside…

It was in the quiet, low lit calm of the workshop last night that I recognised something. In the gentle glow of the natural white LED, Wrecsam Canolog with the Regional 101 at the platform, an echo, a memory of another time and somewhere else…

The Avonside branch that formed the subject of my stalled (and now sold) Gerald Road scheme had a number of road bridges on its short length. I wondered how the Farish 03 might look posed on this HiFi-micro?

The answer was quick to comfirm and positive, very positive. The feeling of warmth that washed over me removing 03382 from the stock box, the calm I found in the moment setting up this shot…

Thoughts now turn to a possible re-hash of Gerald Road to a Paxton Road style pointless scheme. The idea of the framed view over the level crossing still massively appeals and I’ve got all the stock. Perhaps a mock up to see if dimensionally it would work - and the impact of just using two sidings… 

Never loose sight of the fact that this hobby is about a personal connection. My feelings of warmth and calm a fuelled by a long connection to toy trains and in particular the story of a blue Class 03 (in my second book and you’ll find a picture of the Mainline model being played with on the carpet with Dad). Recognising these feelings, pausing and reflecting, taking time to understand ourselves and where these important memories were made and accepting now, how they make us feel is the logical step beyond craft. This adds a soothing balm to our model making, our memory making. Elevating something beyond the plastic, metal and plaster, feeling. This is, without doubt, the greatest pastime in the world.

Until next time, more soon…

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  1. terrific, I find a similar calm when setting up shots on my layout and dioramas.


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