Complete - Last call for the Compendium…

The order has been placed, thank you to all who have supported me. There will be no more copies of this first issue.

I have been pleasantly surprised with the level of interest in the Compendium, and it is now finished and ready to send to the printer…

I will be pressing the button tomorrow evening, so if you haven’t let me know you’d like a copy now is your last chance, as once it is done, that is it. No more copies… another may follow, but that will be new and different. This will always be the first, it may be the only…

40 pages, portrait format, perfect bound. 
A collection of short reflections, collected and choreographed for you (and I) to enjoy, unplugged.

How do you get one? You get in touch to reserve a copy and I will be put your name on the list,  dropping you an email when they’re ready to arrange payment. For now, more soon…

I love writing and creating material for the blog. If you enjoy what you read and engage with I would be appreciative of any donation, large or small, to help me keep it advert and restriction free.
