Friday Update: Thirty-one Five Twenty-four...

A well earned break, a series of moments of calm to recharge, to recuperate, to heal even… 

Interspersed with real life, we can’t leave our troubles behind. In life I’ve learnt through painful experience the need to take moments in isolation. Whilst as a young man I sought ‘happiness’ these days I recognise the beauty in just being able to enjoy parts of my life whilst others need to be filed under ‘endured’, ‘duty’ and ‘responsibility’. 

This one photograph sums up my week away - and as my good friend Chris reflected, myself as an artist. 

“… a neat collage of the charge points for creativity that they coexist without borders. All these things are unified through you instead of being filtered by a selfish “I’m only going to query ingredients that are labelled specific to my needs”.

British beer, a book on American trains, a painting made only because this moment lead you to this place. When you say who you are in this work, these are your ingredients.”

Thank you Chris. Thank you all.
Normal service resumes on Monday.

I love writing and creating material for the blog. If you enjoy what you read and engage with I would be appreciative of any donation, large or small, to help me keep it advert and restriction free.


  1. Thank you for all the effort of blogging every day James. The blog definitely helps and inspires others like myself. Take care.

    1. Tom it’s a pleasure. I treat it very selfishly, a soap box and therapy room in equal measure with a healthy dose of self promption! All said, it continues to use to be popular, 60k impressions a month these days…

  2. I enjoy my morning coffee catching up with your blog. Thank you for sharing. We all need time to reflect and rest.

    1. Thank you, that is exactly why I try to share every day in time for a first (or perhaps second) coffee!

      Sometimes thoughtful hopefully always worthwhile and a pleasant way to book mark that quiet time.


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