The Compendium - a manifesto in print...

When Chris's magazine 'one' dropped on the doormat a few weeks ago it was a wonderful surprise. Packed full of his personal emotional and creative content I enjoyed poring over it's pages - but it has rather wonderfully created an energy for me to respond in kind...

Chris's gentle encouragement demonstrated the art of the possible. How many of us bemoan the lack of a magazine for our interests, how we wish Railway Modeller or Model Railroader would do x, y and z. Here, instead, was a gentle nudge - we can create these things ourselves!

So 'Compendium' was born. My effort, a collection of short modelling reflections. Lovingly gathered from the blog and choreographed so that each double page spread tells a different story. Regular readers will not find anything new, but you can expect 40 pages of unplugged, mindful and I hope, encouraging, thought provoking and enjoyable material. Printed by Blurb in a 'Letter' format, 80gsm matt paper with soft sheen thin card covers...

I wanted to make this - it doesn't make me money. Costs are high on such a small print run.
£15 including UK delivery (overseas around £20 - but to be confirmed on an individual basis)
If you're interested drop me an email, or leave a comment here and I will ensure I print enough. 
Each will be personally dedicated, signed and numbered.

What of the future? Well, fear not, a third book in the Wild Swan range is in the works and with a prevailing wind will be published later this year. I would also like to revisit some of the ideas I've written about previously alongside further layout plans - so a fourth is likely to follow. After that? I've a few ideas...

And of the Compendium? My hope is it catalyses others into action - either to produce their own, or to promise to contribute to mine in future. Until next time -more soon...

Excuse the brevity today, I am lost in the creative process of finishing the magazine off and was so excited to share it with you all that I just have done, un-structured, perhaps even ill-considered. I hope my raw energy for the project is infectious - either that you would like a copy, that you'd like to contribute in future or that even better, you want to produce your own. 

I love writing and creating material for the blog. If you enjoy what you read and engage with I would be appreciative of any donation, large or small, to help me keep it advert and restriction free.


  1. Hi James

    The "Compendium" looks an interesting and exciting project. I would like to buy a copy when it is available. Just let me know the final cost and I will do a transfer.

    I would like to have had a copy of Chris's "magazine" if I had realised so do not want to let yours slip away.

    I agree with your thoughts about "the mainstream magazines never publish enough on .........( insert your pet subject here)" and maybe we should do what you have done in that case. Sometime ago I produced a Fanzine/"logzine" on logging railroads for part of the NMRA in the UK. I tried this on a quarterly basis but it was almost all me and my information so eventually it withered . Doing it on a one off /occasional basis would have been much easier. However I did find it made me think about my interest's, where the gaps were in my knowledge and why I pursued what in railfan/modelling

    Best regards

    1. Thanks Alan, I’ve put your name down, I appreciate the support.

  2. Hi James,
    Greetings from Czechia.

    I'd also like to get my own copy of the Compendium, but after the disastrous experience with the fiasco of buying your first book from Wild Swan (Czech Post returned it to the store without any explanation to either party, so I had to wait for it to appear on eBay...) I think I'd prefer an e-copy in .pdf or a similar suitable format; such a procedure would save both of us the trouble of sending a printed hard-copy to the EU.

    I look forward to your opinion.

    1. It will be much easier for me to post you a magazine, it’s a letter so goes under a CN22 customs declaration. Drop me an email and we can discuss.

  3. Hi James, looking forward to another book, heave really enjoyed the last 2 (production quality and content). I'd also be interested in the 'compendium', cheers and Happy Sunday

    1. Drop me an email and I’ll pop your name on the list for the magazine. The book is shaping up to be something special, and quite different in some respects to the works already produced. I look forward to seeing what people think!

    2. Hi James - please put me down for a copy please.

  4. I am certainly interested in a copy James.

    1. Thank you Iain - drop me an note with your email using the contact form or via Facebook (where you can email me, you don't need an Facebook account).

  5. I will be placing the order for these probably at the end of this next week, after that date there will be no more. If I ever do another, it will be new and different… get in touch to put your name down for a copy.

  6. Hi James. I would definitely like a copy of compendium please. I've not messaged here before. Reading your blog is a must do every day. I've got both of your books and they are truly inspiring. Take care. Tom

    1. Hi Tom, that is so kind, thank you for the message and I’m glad you enjoy my rambling. I’ve popped your name down, if you can contact me using the form in the menu here, or via the commissions page, I’ll make a note of your email address and be in touch when it’s ready.

  7. Hi James, count me in for a copy of Compendium, please. Will complete the contact form, as noted above.


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