2024 a year in Commissions…

This year has been busier than ever. Not only two and half magazines and a new book - but more commission work than ever before…

Commissions 2024

It all keeps the lights on here, but at this time of year it is nice to pause, to take a look on the models completed and marvel at the variety of scale, gauge and prototype! The photo above should act as a slideshow, but if that doesn’t work you can use this link to open the album in Flickr.

I’m always happy to take on commission work. Whilst I am well subscribed with larger pieces in 2025 there is always space to juggle things and slot in smaller (or larger) pieces. I work with you to develop a fixed price proposal that meets your needs and matches my skills, materials and parts to create your dream model. 

On this Boxing Day I hope the album gives you some enjoyment as you flick through and remember the models shared here through out the year.

Until next time, more soon…

Support my work
I love writing and creating material for the blog. If you enjoy what you read and engage with I would be appreciative of any donation, large or small, to help me keep it advert and restriction free. Alternatively, feel free to buy me a coffee.
