On Video: Sunday Service on Paxton Road...

It has been a few weeks since I've filmed anything but with 08791 completed over the weekend it just 'felt' right to play trains again and I wanted to share it with you...

Not much happens on Sunday at Paxton Road. 
All is quiet until a solitary Rudd is dropped off in the yard.
So not much, but enough.

Enjoy the scenics, enjoy the story telling, enjoy the silence and a few moments out of your day.
These Graham Farish models are wonderful - and I'll do a proper photoshoot with the finished model in the next few days!

Until next time, more soon...

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  1. Fantastic stuff James! It's great to see a different livery on the 08. There can't be many rail freight general 08's out there in any scale. Very inspiring. Take care.


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