
I’ve really enjoyed my week away from commissions. It has been a chance to reconnect not only with my personal projects but remind myself why I do this at all…

That reason being the ‘childlike joy’ evoked from experiences like the Class 97/3 log train and the nocturnal 26 cab ride. That purest of emotions is a heady drug, combined with the generally comforting mindful practices of model making it is more than just ‘an experience’ - it tells us both a little more about who I am and why I am…

So, today… a tease. You know what’s coming, it’s been hinted about several times but just pause for a moment and take a second look at this image. This isn’t a Farish Network Rail rebrand, it’s from my own hand from bare plastic. The ability to choose just the right shade of yellow, to use my late Grandma’s bow pen for the orange lining, the kindness of a great supplier in printing the decal. These elements miniaturised because of me and my love of railways, inspired by the experience of last weekend. That nameplate by the way, less than 2mm tall!

The full reveal will follow, once the overhead warning flashes arrive - probably after the 25th now. Until next time, more soon…

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