Why buy me a coffee?
Earlier in the year I 'jumped on the bandwagon' and created a 'Buymeacoffee' account - adding it as a tagline to my regular daily posts alongside the Paypal 'donate' link...
It felt a little like begging - but then a friend kindly pointed out it was more like busking!
I sit here and play the guitar with my case open beside me, and you all chuck in any spare change!!
You see I genuinely enjoy writing the blog - and its a great way to share my ideas, my energy, my enthusiasm and my modelling with a wider audience in a way that is fairly easy to produce and control. More, it forms a bit of an advertisement for my commission modelling services and books... I made a conscious decision when I went 'commercial' to not fill it with Google adverts or charge a subscription. The blog will always remain free at the point of use, free and free of ads...
That said, the time taken to prepare, write and share material here is not free so this is where 'donate' or 'buy me a coffee' come in - a way for you to very kindly show your support for what I do here in a monetary fashion. It will never make me rich - across the 'donate' and 'coffee' income streams it is less than £100 a year - but there is something really personal about receiving a donation from an otherwise stranger - so thank you one and all - readers, contributors and donators alike. Until next time, more soon...
Support my work
I love writing and creating material for the blog. If you enjoy what you read and engage with I would be appreciative of any donation, large or small, to help me keep it advert and restriction free. Alternatively, feel free to buy me a coffee.
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