Canadian Adventure: Drumheller and the Jackie Chan movie...

One evening we had a tip off from the motel owner that the Jackie Chan movie was being filmed up the road and a railway scene had been filmed during the day. Dad and I headed off in search and found a CN GMD1 with the train...

These shots were taken at dusk, which is less than ideal, so I've also added a few extra taken the following day...

At the time, we had no idea what the film was, and to be honest, I've never checked until writing this blog post but now I find out it was 'Shanghai Noon'. It's strange seeing these photos now, because I understand the CN line through Drumheller was lifted sometime shortly after, in fact, I wonder if the line had already been mothballed at the time of the filing, so perhaps I was lucky to spot the train at all. Back in 1989 watching a pair of CN GP38-2 switching the elevators captivated me and formed part of that long lasting memory of the railway and probably steered me to my first Canadian loco for my 9th birthday!

Moving on a shot of an more modern elevator at Beiseker...

To wrap up this series of slides from 1999 when I got home I had a few shots 'spare' so headed out to the garage to take a few snaps to finish the film off - gosh can you remember that? I do miss the age of analog film in some regards, these slides are so tactile, but time marches on and the wonder of our digital age means I can share these with you now by taking photos with my old iPhone 8! Next week we'll be doing the Eastern trip from 2001. I hope you enjoy the weekend, more soon...
