Commission: Cut-down Peckett…

The Greenhithe class of Peckett were a special, a cut down example designed for locations with tight clearances. Since the release of my Planet Industrials cab conversion we’ve sold many more than were ever made in reality…

‘Sir Harry’ shown here is another example and only the second I’ve built myself, this time for a customer. Re-acquainting myself with the Hornby W4 and the kit and I’ve enjoyed both immensely, creating something distinctly different from the donor model.

The kit combines elements of the ‘post-date’ kit (steel buffer beams) with the short chimney and cut down cab. The squat brute if a model that results is a solid performer with no weight removed in the process the Hornby model continues to impress. This example, finished in a ‘colliery repaint’ green with black detailing has also seen some light weathering to suggest some use after a rudimentary cleaning.

I’ve got a few ‘cut down’ industrials in my collection now and since the departure of Pont-y-dulais and Mollington Road last year have no where to call home - thoughts relating to some sort of industrial follow up continue to wander across my sketchbook yet don’t find a satisfying home - yet. In the meantime, working on others models is a great tonic and so if you’ve an industrial prototype you’d like me to help you with them get in touch for a no-obligation fixed price proposal. Until next time, more soon…

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  1. Hi James

    Another excellent project - I imagine your customer is/will be very happy.

    I always liked those cut-down locomotives they seemed so different from their "normal" counterparts. I was lucky enough to see "Hornet" ,the prototype for SIR HARRY I imagine, at work at Ifton Colliery in the 1970's and another "Longfield" at Holborough Cement works again in the early 1970's. Although both were Pecketts and had cut down cabs and dropped footplates they had differences. I think I sent you a photo of "Hornet" a while back and have a few of Longfield

    If you are looking for a industrial system to call home I could think no better than a cement works. Interesting variety of locos, steam or diesel. and each could be a different builder or class, quarry rolling stock, coal arriving by rail, internal stock to move bagged or bulk cement and similar to send product out to customers via "BR". Often they were in a country setting and some had their own branchline.

    Best regards


    1. Thanks Alan - food for thought definitely.


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