On Video: A winter's day...

Last week I shared the story of Traeth Hafren in words and photos over two days on the blog. Shortly afterwards I filmed this short video telling the story in another medium…

Whilst I never see a point where I won’t enjoy writing, crafting words, meaning and their pattern and sound on the page to tell my story it is interesting to continue to explore video as a medium for the same subject told in a different manner. I would appreciate any thoughts on both the subject (the layout) and or the presentation style in comments here or there… but until next time, more soon…

I love writing and creating material for the blog. If you enjoy what you read and engage with I would be appreciative of any donation, large or small, to help me keep it advert and restriction free.


  1. Hi James
    I have looked at the YouTube and followed the blog and think there is a place for both. The blog is great as it develops ideas and one can see how the project goes to together. The video pulls all this together and allows the viewer to see the way the finished article works and operates. However the written word allows the reader to “muse” on the ideas which I believe is important. My recent musings are around how the layout feels like my memories of the Thames Estuary – very much like the Severn estuary I imagine. With a slightly different track layout – a set of points at least this could be a setting for the electrified bulk cement line at the Stone cement works in Kent with the tracks coming under a road bridge from the cement works at one end and ending at a windswept wharf/unloading point at the other. In the prototype electric cement hoppers were used, but other motive power would work, shuttling back and forth. I saw this operation only a year before it finished 1971 and it was archaic then. I will send a couple of photos.
    Best regards

    1. Thanks Alan, that’s a good reflection and no fear, I too love writing on the blog so it’s going nowhere! Lovely reflection on the layout too and thank you for the photos! I’ll put a post together for the future.


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