On Video: Quiet between trains...

In my latest book ‘The Art of Railway Modelling’ I begin a conversation about a different and more deliberate artful way to enjoy and share our wonderful hobby…

In an attempt to ‘be the change’ I’ve begun to talk about my own work in a way that shares its story above craft, the ‘why’ not the ‘how’. In this latest video I take this another step forwards with a monologue presenting my connections to the scene created and how I feel about it.

The layout discussed is Pont Dulas that has been serialised on the blog.

Click to view in the best experience, watch on ::YouTube::

I have been humbled by the personal reflections and kind words viewers already have left as ‘comments’ on the video. It is wonderful to think that this meandering and mindful conversation is landing somewhere important for some of you. I’d love to hear what you think, about this approach as well as the layout project. Do enjoy the viewing this morning and I look forward to reading your reflections. Until next time, more soon…

I love writing and creating material for the blog. If you enjoy what you read and engage with I would be appreciative of any donation, large or small, to help me keep it advert and restriction free.


  1. Im a fan of the approach; the why and lead actor method of modeling base the model and provide a story that is reflected in the model. I have done the same method in my last few dioramas and it changes ones connection and presentation.

    1. Thanks Stephen - you should leave us a link so we can see your own dioramas!

  2. Another enjoyable and mindful video
    I like the way you use the book and your local knowledge to construct a freelance but authentic looking scene. The way you combine scenes in a believable way is very interesting - a thought process many of us could follow.

    I also liked the way the scene could be used to show a train from different angles and therefore appeared much larger than it was

    I look forward to the next

    Best regards


    1. Thanks Alan - it certainly is larger on the inside, both metaphorically (with our imagination) and somehow physically through its composition. It's been a great project for new ideas too and lots of fun. Glad you enjoyed the video.


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