Mosslanda musing…

I have a Mosslanda shelf from IKEA. It supports my day dreams as well as the physical model of Wrecsam Canolog. Propping up not books, but memories past and present of those shorter journeys we all take by train… 

At just 55 x 10cm it doesn’t really justify the title model railway, yet it is completely and wholly formed as such, trains arrive, trains depart. I imagine myself stood on the parapet of the road bridge (as I have done) above, or in the car park behind the empty retail unit, below, watching and enjoying being close to to the working railway.

More than that, as I drive the model on and off the stage I am now onboard. The buzzer from the guard telling the driver they are clear to leave… on board the real train from Wrecsam or on board the Altrincham train from Chester of my youth, on board. Lost in my imagination. Finding myself.

As I turn the chair around and move back to the bench there is a second Mosslanda, now empty, that was the home for a short time of Traeth Hafren. Thoughts of more single line branch terminus are mulling around, possibly Stourbridge? Equally perhaps a nuclear flask siding? Or even 009? Day dreaming again, but of ideas and possibility. Mosslanda musing.

Until next time, more soon…

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  1. I quite like the idea of building something like a book nook layout, with false books, dare I say, bookending the scheme and a train on a shuttle unit just passing through at random times. And at other times just being there, and empty space waiting for something to happen. Years ago I built a little Pehryn inspired diorama that would work really well .

    1. That sounds a lot of fun James - mind, how would you fit books on the shelf AND a train running through them - or would the books be fake?! ;)

    2. Real books, hacked up. In my old dealer days interior decorators would often buy old books by the yard just to use for decorative purposes. Mind you, with the thinness of a Mosslanda you could probably find books to fit on a Billy shelf . I'll find out soon, because I've got one in the post and the the British Finescale track to go with it...


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