Commissions: 2021 a year in models….

I’ve been lucky to work on such a variety of models for customers this year, and I enjoy sharing those completed pieces with you all as way of inspiration as well as a ‘shop window’ if you like, of what I might be able to help you with…

From 6.5mm gauge track to 45mm, from 1/148 to 1/12th (and beyond), narrow gauge or standard, steam and diesel from two continents this year, as always these are tagged with ‘Commission’ so it’s always easy to click on that label (or others) and find similar models. I hope you’ve enjoyed taking a look at these, and I’d I can help with a project in 2022 then you’re welcome to get in touch using the contact form (click the three horizontal lines above), the forums or Facebook. I hope you’re all gearing up for the holidays, just two more posts from me before a series of pre-prepared blogs will take you through u til the new year giving my typing a fingers a week or so off!

Until tomorrow, more soon… 


  1. The TinTurtle was my favourite ... that paint and weathering on that was just so faithful and precise ... the logging caboose was another great one. Here's to 2022! Onward!

    1. Thanks Rob, yes one of my high points of the year! Yes and lots to look forward to already, with so many commissions on my ‘to do’ list already.

  2. Wow. Looking at each of these models I can remember seeing them individually but as a collection, here, I can only react: "Wow!" Your workbench produces so many fun and interesting things and I always look forward to checking in to see what you're up to.

    Thank you for the amazing conversations and collaboration. I can't wait to see what H&M get up to in the new year.

    Merry Christmas friend


    1. Thank you Chris, and Merry Christmas to you and yours too!


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