A model friendship?

Our hobby is one full of gifts and whilst I would consider myself a lone modeller, I revel in the friendships that this craft has gifted me. This past week friend and fellow model maker (soon to be trainee teacher) George popped by for a few hours. We enjoyed talking models, admiring each others recent projects and drinking coffee/tea. More than that, we undertook some work together - a shared creative process and for that I'm grateful...

The tramway has been 'on the ground' for years now and whilst I haven't progressed a number of the scenic elements as much as I would like, I have tried to keep on top of maintenance. A few weeks ago I repaired a few walls - and mentioned one was left. With fine weather and fuelled by caffeine George and I decided this was worth tackling together... whilst I mixed up some mortar George prepared the site, tidied the greenery and sorted the remaining shale blocks. A mutual build followed where I was adding cement, George building the wall and us both wondering and deciding what to add next. That act, of being lost in the task with a fellow modeller was something I've craved for years, something I had as a child with my Dad and with childhood friend Tim - but never found in adulthood - you see I'm not a club man, or that social. I value friendship and the 1:1 time you can foster in a shared interest. I don't need to explain to George what I'm trying to recreate with the tramway because he just gets it. He is every bit the artist too...

So the wall didn't take long and before you know it the live steam engine was out and warming up... and another gift, George took to operating this like he'd driven one his whole life so not only did I get to share the energy and excitement of running live steam, but I could relax and watch it run in someone else's capable hands. 

Inside we chatted 009, and perhaps 7/8ths and I shared Lochdubh, created since I last saw him and George shared the Awdry diorama seen in yesterdays Friday Update.  We agreed that the Cambrian N gauge project is probably a stretch at present but perhaps locomotives that can run on each others projects is a good place to start enjoying the energy of working and playing with others.

I feel incredibly lucky to have met so many enthusiastic and talented individuals in my life. Through a shared passion for trains, be that miniature or real, I have shared journeys, experiences and modelling with some great people and these have gone beyond two rails and we've fostered deeper more meaningful friendships... many of you will know who you are and I value you all. For those I've not made yet, I look forward to forging new ones as well!

For those of us out there who feel like we don't work in a club setting there is hope. Reach out to other modellers you admire, strike up a conversation with someone at an exhibition or on Facebook. See where things lead and enjoy the journey wherever it takes you. Until next time though, more soon...

I love writing and creating material for the blog. If you enjoy what you read and engage with I would be appreciative of any donation, large or small, to help me keep it advert and restriction free.
