Commission: Dirty Victory for the docks…

I don't think I will ever tire of working on these locomotives as I loose count on the number of Planet Industrials 'Kerr, Stuart' Victory I have detailed and weathered...

This latest example, decorated in the attractive Inland Waterways and Docks department livery has been good fun and shows how a multi-stage weathering based upon prototype photos can lift a model without it becoming a cartoon sketch showcasing the 'artists' collection of weathering colours and airbrush technique (!!). If you want a subtle and passionately applied work, get in touch for your own personal proposal.


In this instance my customer requested a crew, coal load and weathering to represent a well used but still mechanically sound locomotive. I removed the wheel sets to apply the wash behind the wheels, applied the wash to the footplate and wheels too before airbrushing on various shades. These were removed with a wide flat brush before a second airbrushing to smooth and blend the edges of the finish - all completed with a dry brush of gun metal to highlight edges and represent worn metal.

The results, shown here before the works plates were fitted, is one of my favourites to date - especially the sooty coal stain on the sides of the bunker. We've stocks of all models at Light Railway Stores and you can now find it in other small retailers alongside Rails (if you're a shop owner and would like to stock the model drop us an email). If you'd like me to breathe life into your Victory (or any model for that matter) get in touch and we can discuss your requirements. Until next time, more soon...

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