Commission: Blue 08 for Renfrew…

Whilst Renfrew has been 'green' for a few years it was always my customers intent to see BR blue make a strong appearance on the layout, especially as it was this period that was such a strong childhood memory for him and it was with a great deal of pleasure that I helped recreate one of Eastleigh's stalwart 08s...

Starting with a Hornby base model I began by checking the body against photos of the prototype and found David had managed to acquire a generally pretty close match. Being vacuum braked only meant less pipework to worry about and the wasp striping was close - just the sides of the radiator to paint in and the logo to move from the door to the footplate box - BUT - the blue itself was so very dark...

I instead offered to respray the blue and work the new number, overhead flash and logo positions onto a blank canvas for weathering...


This faded blue is one no longer offered by Phoenix Precision (sadly) so once my tinlet is exhausted I'll need to track down something similar - the result though is superb - but matt. A coat of gloss varnish helped with decal adhesion and then matt lacquer prepared us for weathering.

Working from photos the oil and fuel spill was built up with washes and the dirt around the doors, a subtle different shade was added and cleaned off as I went. A wet on wet approach was used on the roof and bonnet top which means a more subtle tonal variation without hard edges. The yellow surfaces and chassis were also given washes of various density, observing both where the dirt accumulates AND the shade it takes! The airbrush was brought out for a gentle blending and adding the exhaust to the roof.

The finished result has all the wonderful character of the prototype, these omnipresent shunters we thought would last forever ended up painted all colours of the rainbow - and still a few continue in front line service. If you've got a lead actor you'd like help in recreating for a project, then get in touch for a no obligation fixed price proposal. Be it weathering, or as in this case, a new identity and weathering - through to more complex work, I'd be happy to help and enjoy working with you to ensure the results feel as much part of your own hand as mine. Get in touch using the form here, Facebook or the forums. Until next time, more soon...

I love writing and creating material for the blog. If you enjoy what you read and engage with I would be appreciative of any donation, large or small, to help me keep it advert and restriction free.
