Morning at Lochdubh...

I woke late that morning, tired from the journey the previous day and well rested thanks to the fresh Scottish air. I'm not sure if it was the mew of the seagulls or the gentle burble of the English Electric 12CSVT that brought me round but leaving the bed and breakfast in Lochdubh I was drawn back to the station...

I had arrived on the evening train and things were dark as I'd walked to my accommodation. In the warmth of the mid morning sunshine I strolled down in short sleeves to where I found 37418 awaiting the 11.08 departure for Inverness, it's short train certainly won't trouble the Tractor but somehow it just looks right, it feels right sat on the quayside at this quiet Scottish terminus, the gateway to the Inner Hebrides.

Whist these photos show that Lochdubh, my 600mm slice of Scottish 1980s British Rail is nearly finished I see all the little things I have left to add, the small details that will help draw me in and help to tell the story of arriving in this little known location 30 odd years ago!

Until next time, more soon...

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