Dyfrdwy Tramway: First steam of 2023…

A momentous day earlier in the week when steam awoke again on the Dyfrdwy Tramway for the first time this year…

I had to do a bit of check then to see, but yes, last steam was in 2022. With recent maintenance work completed and a friend visiting it was nice to light her up and enjoy playing trains in the garden. The shared experience of running this little tramway was superb, and one I hope I can repeat again soon.

Whilst steam is often star of the show my collection of diesels did a great job too, shuttling wagons back and forth and the interaction of both trains made for some added enjoyment. A trusted friend operating the steam loco allowing me to enjoy seeing it in motion, combined with the engineering of passing in the various sidings as trains ran without much thought up and down, soaking up the atmosphere on this ground level tramway that feels every bit as real as the full size thing.

You might just glimpse some of the new wall at the wharf that went in earlier in the day too, the first step to moving on with some more scenery in this area. I have thoughts about a  half relief ‘engine shed’ and an overhead sling crane for loading slate onto the flatbed lorry. Further up the line ideas of a lineside platelayers hut come bothy and the long promised water tank are perhaps pipe dreams but ones that will one day see the light of day.

For now though, the sight and smells of live steam in the garden have reinvigorated my interest in the line, the scale and the joy of sharing it with others - more on that another day, but for now, more soon… 

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