Down on Beaverbrook: Cameo crew…

The rule of threes / thirds seems to extend in to many aspects of art and not only is this photo composed with the rule in mind, but also features three figures…

The scene, posed on the least complete section of my Canadian H0 scale project, Beaverbrook, shows how a set of the wonderfully conceived Modelu figures can bring a photograph to life. Composed off to the left third of the photo, the tightly cropped scene shows off the consistent finish achieved over locomotive, stock, scenery and figures - and that too lends some authenticity to the result.

Whilst moments like this are captured and then removed the layout lives on. The figures may have the same poses but when stood gathered around a different locomotive in a different location the story changes and the result is as powerful. Another level and a greater depth to the art, when carefully placed model figures add something hard to quantify and help us place ourselves in the scene created. Until next time, more soon…

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