Commission: Dirty Blue 47…

There is something interesting about BR blue. The way it’s shade varied over time, in different lights and the way too, that dirt and grime stick to it in different patterns on each class of locomotive…

This variation means a ‘this is how I weather diesels’ approach can never really cut the mustard. To capture true spirit a study, a deep dive and appreciation for these things is required and that is something I’m passionate about providing with my work.

The results can be tempered through your budget but they will always feel more real than just a splash of dirt through an airbrush. I’ve worked on a number of OO models in the last week or so, this is he first to break cover here and all will be discussed in the coming weeks. If you have a model you’d like me to breathe life into get in touch (using the contact form in the menu here, or Facebook) for a no obligation fixed price proposal. Renumbering, fitting name plates, adding crew and weathering can all be included, as can complete repaints, kit builds or scratchbuilds too. Until next time though, more soon….

I love writing and creating material for the blog. If you enjoy what you read and engage with I would be appreciative of any donation, large or small, to help me keep it advert and restriction free.
