FOR SALE: WDLR open in 009...

The humblest of wagons, one that served our country on the front line before a hard retirement in North Wales...

Whilst this isn't any one in particular, a number of similar vehicles operated on the Ffestiniog in the period I am modelling. A Dundas kit seemed a fun way to represent one, and allow me to do a little distressing to the bodywork to represent that hard life. The basic kit assembled cleanly without fuss, though the bogies do need some judicious cleaning up from excess flash, I guess the tooling for these is getting tired.

The brake wheels are a little disappointing though so I replaced these with etched examples I have had for years - no idea of their provenance! I also added some door bangers from etched scraps, again in the bits box! You can see above the scraping to the plank edges adding some wear.

A coat of primer always brings things together and the airbrush allowed the building up of a deep and multi-faceted weathered finish topped off on one side (as it's not entirely accurate!) with this yellow FR streaking down the side of the body.

This vehicle is now FOR SALE though, as it doesn't fit my current FR needs - so if you'd like to add it to your own collection then £25 will see it leave my stock box and join yours! Let me know if you're interested. Until next time, more soon...

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