The pulse quickens…

Every time I rumble over the level crossing in the village I find myself throwing an optimistic glance to my left and right in the vague hope I might see a train…

Every time. I’ve lived here for years, I know when trains are running. I still glance, hopefully.

Beyond my village and even in places where I’m unfamiliar my enthusiasts eye traces the vista, searching for familiar landforms that identify a nearby railway and I find myself hopefully seeking out a train.

I love the railway, the ribbons of steel, the continuous line from origin to destination marked regularly by those horizontal dashes as if markings on a ruler - but it is the train that makes my heart beat a little faster, my pulse quickens as it moves through my view - the wonder at it’s mass moving smoothly through nature, the noise too and the thoughts of where it has come from and where it might be going…

I love trains.

(Meanwhile at home, the Llangollen Railway slumbers whilst its team of hard working volunteers readies the permanent way, carriages and locomotives for another season). Until next time more soon…

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  1. Hi James

    I find that photo very evocative. It says railway as much as any photo with a loco or train and leaves all options about what may, or may not, come open.

    You are very lucky to be close to a railway like this and thanks for sharing with us.

    I was looking through some photos and have what a think is a similar photo but taken 6000 mile from Llangollen on the Englewood logging railway on Vancouver Island in 2003. I will e-mail and see what you think

    Best regards


    1. Thanks Alan, and yes, I can see similarities (and of course differences). For me it’s a constant reminder of my love of trains, more so than railways.


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