Back to the drawing board: A new 009 kit...

It has been a while since I sat down and designed something, a process I've enjoyed since the first kit 10+ years ago for Narrow Planet...

However a new book and a desire to do something a little different to the usual kit building, weathering and layout construction this week saw me fire up my MacBook and refresh my memory with the peculiarities of the only 3D CAD software I can drive these days, Sketchup 2017. 

Opening up the laptop, opening up the software I felt that comfortable sense of being 'at home'. Buttons, tools, workflows - things haven't changed and the result, whilst clunky and not the best option, in terms of software, these days I feel calm as I settle into that familiar pattern. Draw a shape, push pull cut. The result is a Jung-alike, design cues in the buffer beams and cab details and proportions inspired by a number of prototypes found on the internet. It has a much burlier character than the other models I have designed for the superb Percy chassis, it will give me (and you?) a quite 'modern' steam locomotive - perhaps to find use as a sugar beet plant shunter? Motive power at a sand quarry?? Perhaps with it's two chimney options (plain, pictured, and a spark arrestor) and two cab options (plain and with a pair of access doors for a tender!) it could see use on a sugar plantation? or forest tramway?

There are comprimises of course, as there always are when using a proprietary chassis but my intent was to offer something different to the parade of North Wales narrow gauge. This model has space for weight in the boiler, smokebox and side tanks and there is space in the firebox or side tank for a decoder. A modern re-take on the first kit perhaps? 

Prototype print and etches are ordered - and in the same book that inspired this - a Deutz diesel that could also fit on the chassis AND a Borsig 0-4-2wt that would go on the Peter Sam... perhaps if this is successful a few more kits to go in the EuroNG range this summer? For now, today, it's back to the world of physical modelling, no less mindful, and recharged after a day away from the tools. Until next time, more soon...

The existing EuroNG 009 kit range is available exclusively through Light Railway Stores. An eclectic group of steam and diesel in 4mm/ft 009 (not HOe). These days consider the kits as limited edition as once I tire of them I retire them so if there is something you like, I'd suggest perhaps taking the plunge whilst they're available. 

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  1. I wonder if the Percy chassis would work for an N gauge Peckett, or something of that ilk. There are some on Shapeways that I've been tempted by.

    1. It runs well but is quite crudely detailed for N…

      I would probably look at the EFE Austerity…

    2. I hadn't thought about that. I'm not sure I actually need an industrial saddle tank, mind you. This is absolutely, definitely my only foray back into N. Although the 24 and Mk 1 coaches would work well for a Minories inspired layout

  2. Hi James

    This looks and interesting project and I guess it would fit well with a sugar mill theme ( maybe as we have discussed) and looks like some of the Javan locos I have seen in books and DVDs . A 0-4-2 version might be more appropriate for this and a bagasse or oil tender could also be added. However I would be interested in having what eventually come off your digital drawing board

    Best regards


    1. Watch this space Alan. Hopefully a prototype will be assembled within a few weeks, depending on etch lead time.


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