Sold: New Brunswick Southern GP38-3...

Back in the summer of 2022 I built this GP38-3 using an Athearn RTR shell, some detailing parts and a lot of love, fuelled by videos of the prototype struggling for grip in Calais, Northern Maine...

She looks great - and sounds just as good. Fitted with a Tsunami 2 decoder and Rail Exclusive speaker she has the drivability I love and enjoy and sounds incredible. LED headlights fitted each end. The problem is, she just doesn't quite fit in with the current fleet so languishes in the stock drawer and I'd like to move her to somewhere she will see more use!

What you're picking up here is a unique model. The GP35 conversion including removal of the central rear fan and patching with a blank (custom etch), adding exhaust stacks either side of the dynamic brake (3D parts from Shapeways), smoothing the turbo exhaust, adding a GP40 style hatch on the air intake (Cannon and Co), adding all weather window (Kaslo) and etched wipers (KV), relocating the heading (Cannon and Co) to the low short hood and adding etched tops to the battery boxes. A plough (Cal Scale) hoses (Cal scale and Kadee), ditch lights (Cannon, I think), drop step (parts bin) and other sundries complete the look. A repaint in a faded NBS green with Highball graphics (and some Smokebox labels) plus a delicate but believable weathering complete the transformation.

All of this can be yours for just £200 including UK postage - overseas at cost.
Now sold!

The funds will be re-cycled into a new acquisition for HMLX, my new leasing company. More on that as and when this model moves on. 

Until next time, more soon...

I love writing and creating material for the blog. If you enjoy what you read and engage with I would be appreciative of any donation, large or small, to help me keep it advert and restriction free.


  1. Perhaps a record - I’m pleased to say this is now sold.

  2. I think Mac is the stuffed toy in the first episode. We watched it last nite and are hooked. That guy doing the murders is really spooky. Sad to believe there are probably a lot like him out there in the wild. Again, thanks for the tip on the show.

    1. Local Hero is the film? Mac is the main character…

  3. Well, that is embarrasing. The stuffed toy is in the first episode of The Fall. Don't know where I got that from. Looks like a good scary one, though. Prime says local hero is a movie, so we will check that out. Here is one for you: A touch of Frost. About an English detective who is a little old fashioned. Wonderful character though. Kind of an English version of Columbo, though not so annoying. Worth a look.

    1. Grew up with Frost, used to watch it with my Mum in the 1990s! Great stuff!

    2. Well rats, thought I had one for you there. How about Midsomer Murders? The Brit shows are so superior to anything that we are producing in the US. Vera comes to mind too.


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