Alumina at Lochdubh…

Before the smelter at Strathcarron closed the Lochdubh branch saw daily trains of the distinctive 2-axle hoppers from Blyth but today’s photo is a rare one for the train rarely ran as far as the terminus… 

37418 is pictured here in the loop, quite a nice composition actually, it’s as if the crew set the photo up on purpose, my friend Andy is checking something in his notebook, kindly adding a human element whilst including the station name not only adds a nice framing to the right but also places us with no doubt at the ‘gateway to the Isles’.

The model is a detailed and lowered Graham Farish model, the alumina hoppers from kits by Coventry Railworks. Posed on my HiFi-micro cameo ‘Lochdubh’ as featured in the March 2024 BRM magazine and also covered in more detail in my third book, due out. later this year. Until next time, more soon…

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  1. Very excited about the third book James! I enjoyed the article in BRM about Lochdubh. Stirling is the furthest north that I've managed to get, after a 14 hour journey from Cornwall! We went through Birmingham New Street twice... Sadly, I missed the 37's in Scotland, I did see them in Cornwall on china clay though. Hope all's well. Keep up the good work, it's appreciated. Take care.

    1. Hi Tom, yes me too, it’s different again. I remember 37s on the North Wales coast, but now wish I’d paid more attention.


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