Lost and found…

Challenging. You might kindly describe our lives beyond his hobby in such a way. Those challenges may be embraced or shied away from but they exist, they demand something from us however we address them…

It is common to describe the creative pursuits as an escape, somewhere to get lost in and it is that terminology you find scattered through the more emotional writing within our own. The idea that through mindful reflection, tactile use of craft skill and artistic and reflective thinking we can find a sense of calm outside of the real world.

Paxton Road, extensively shared here on the blog over the years is my perfect model railway and somewhere I visit most weeks. At times of greater challenge it may be more or less but a visit is always recharging. The sense of calm that washes over me within a few minutes of gently operating a favourite model, of a period connecting to a quieter simpler time in my life, is a balm itself. On the most challenging of occasions it may almost feel robotic and stressful at first, but before long I find myself lost in the scene.

I find myself lost.

Then perhaps operating the layout isn’t about getting lost - suggesting a sense of helpless anxiety - instead, it’s about finding myself again. Connecting with a basic tactile activity in a world of my creation, quiet, calm, grounded, where I know who I am once more.

Until next time, more soon…

I love writing and creating material for the blog. If you enjoy what you read and engage with I would be appreciative of any donation, large or small, to help me keep it advert and restriction free.
