Commission: Edward Thomas in 009…

The ex-Corris Kerr Stuart tank engine today known as Edward Thomas is a wonderfully proportioned prototype. Bachmann do a toy version in their Thomas range which has a very lovely chassis and here it has been combined with a Fourdees body kit to create a rendition of he prototype in preservation…

I really enjoy working on 009 commissions, a personal passion of mine. The model here has been painted with Humbrol enamels with an airbrush (green) and before the lining decals (Fox) were applied. Once these are dry I use more enamel to edge the lining in black, red buffer beams and some Games Workshop brass and copper for the metal parts - this variation although subtle works really nicely.

Etched plates, the finishing touch, are from Light Railway Stores in the Custom Nameplate Studio range. Once in place I then apply a coat of satin lacquer to provide some protection to the decals and this also stops the plates from tarnishing. Last touch is to use ‘glue and glaze’ to add the windows.

The end result is a cute, neat and characterful representation of a lovely prototype. If you’d like me to assemble paint and finish your model then I’d love to help. Get in touch (look on the commissions page) for a personal no obligation fixed price proposal based upon your needs and requirements. In the meantime, until next time, more soon…

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