Gone in a blur...

This morning I have been scanning old negatives. I must be pretty odd but I do tend to keep things like that so I've a box full! I've been digging in and out of these for years since I got the scanner but today made the concerted effort to look through them all in some sort of systematic manner...

In a blur - a 156 crosses the Green Lane level crossing, Saltney, in the summer of 1996.

These old 35mm negatives capture a time before digital on their delicate acetate form. I've noticed several are starting to discolour and some even to break up - so to capture these now felt an important distraction from commission work. You see I find this sort of thing quite soothing, excitedly looking through each line against the daylight, anything promising threaded carefully into the scanner. It wasn't long before I was completely engrossed and hand scanning over 100 suitable images! 

The results, from a photographical perspective, are somewhat questionable but still the memories flood back. I've found a few 'new' images of my childhood British outline railway I must share at some point and a lot of Glyndyfrdwy shortly after the railway re-opened here in the 1990s. Sadly those I was keen to find (photographs of Llangollen on a diesel gala in the 1990s) remain elusive - but with a coffee, toffee waffle and the dog I've enjoyed filing them all for future use and I hope you'll forgive today's late blog post as a result! Until next time, more soon...

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