Second hand Irish meandering…

It was in mid-April when I introduced my Irish meanderings. Back then I left the eventual layout plans a little open and suggested they would evolve over time…

This week has seen the arrival of the Irish Railway Models ‘Bulleid’ opens (more on those another time) so it seems a good opportunity to share a few more sketches and thoughts on the scheme. These pencil drawings were done a few weeks ago on my iPad. Yes, these pencil drawings were drawn on my iPad. They show some of the elements I would like to include in the composition but how I eventually fit all this in depends on if I select a layout to display at home or at exhibitions. 

The pencil lines flow easily, the sketching nature of drawing allowing an almost mindful exploration of the subject and its influence on me. Drawn from memory from old photos, a prototype of which I have no first hand experience, these pictures instead form that emotional connection to a time and place gone but not forgotten.

This project is fuelled by saudade and it is that strange energy that will imbue every grain of ballast and strand of grass. A love lost, but forever in my heart. 

Until next time,  more soon…

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  1. Certainly captures the look James. I was fortunate enough to see some of these lines not long after closure, with the weeds gradually encroaching, but still the haunting possibility that trains might run again….

    1. Thank you, that sort of feeling is just the thing I’m hoping to capture on this scheme.


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