Layered composition…

I love the way that my latest layout ‘Kohlenbachbrücke’ is developing. Whilst a large chunk of this must be credited to sketches and planning there are other elements that are happy coincidence…

This scene here, whilst not quite finished feels so excitingly right. James’s lovely Trabant, whilst centre stage, seems to only enhance the shunter. Scenic elements frame yes, but contribute atmosphere as well, the sunken office, the concrete panel fence, the pipe gantry all feel European. As I step through the final stages of weathering to bring all the elements together I’m reminded of the importance of enjoying the work and taking time to absorb and reflect on progress. This layered composition is almost perfect, I will keep this in mind as I move towards finish line, protecting the colour palette and lack of clutter that feel like contributing but un-sung elements of this layered composition.

Until next time, more soon…

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