For Sale: N gauge clear out…

I’m trying really hard at the moment to thin down and focus my N gauge collection. If it doesn’t fit an immediate or near future layout plan I’m moving things on, so today we have another few items that fit those criteria…

These two trains would be great for anyone planning their own micro layout, or at least fancying something a little different for their own or club layout?

BODY ONLY £50 - Farish Class 31 - 31130 Railfreight Coal ‘Calder Hall Powerstation’ weathered. 

Sprinter £160 - Farish Class 150/1 Provincial Blue - Boxed as new, run in only, smooth quiet runner. Detail bags still sealed in bags.

Flask train SOLD- Farish nuclear flask. Farish 20t brake van converted with roller bearing axle boxes. Pair of RNA runners from Peco chassis, TPM parts with N brass buffers. All weathered to match.


If you are interested in giving any of these a good hoke then please get in touch in the usual way. I’ll mark items as sold once they are paid for, thank you for looking. Until next time, more soon…

I love writing and creating material for the blog. If you enjoy what you read and engage with I would be appreciative of any donation, large or small, to help me keep it advert and restriction free.


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