Modal change at Lochdubh…

For travellers arriving at Lochdubh heading for the isles there has always been a modal change. Even before the bridge the Highland coach loaded at the station before heading across to Skye on the ferry…

Highland Scottish Omnibuses operated a variety of services to Portree and Inverness from Lochdubh. An empty looking Ford is parked on the ramp to the station whilst 26040 idles beyond, having drawn forwards from the mid morning arrival from Inverness, the second (rear) platform still being in use in the early 1980s.

Lochdubh, my slice of the Scottish Highlands in British N scale is a wonderful muse. The layout is entirely scratch built but the bus (a BT Models example) is a ready to plant example simply repainted to suit its new setting (it still needs some ‘Highland’ decals and a destination board - perhaps a driver too) as is the wonderful Dapol Class 26.

In our modern homes where space is at a premium can you think of a better way to enjoy your imagination in a small space? British N gives us accurate and characterful models of our memories - we just need to provide the model making to give them a home. Remember N isn’t about true scale as such, even fidelity. I’d say it’s mostly about neatness, if you can practice one thing, that is the key to realism, no gaps where there shouldn’t be, bricks aligned on corners, short static grass fibres, subdued cohesive colours. 

In short, the hi-fi micro could find a place in many of our homes, what is stopping you scratch that itch?

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  1. I should add, the gap under the station is deliberate! The board and batten didn’t touch the ground, amd was stood off the frame.

  2. Lochdubh might be my favorite layout, I have never gotten such a massive amount of inspiration from any other. Absolutely love the HiFi micro layout concept and am currently planning one. Thanks again for all the inspiration and making layouts possible in a small apartment.

    1. Thank you Toby - that is very kind, and lovely to know how much of an inspiration Lochdubh has become for you. For such a small layout, and one that I don't even run trains on, it generates a lot of positive feelings here for me too - it will feature in my new book, later this year.


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