On Video: Workshop Tour and Mindful Shunting…

It always surprises me how many of you enjoy a wander around my workshop whether that is on a Friday Update here, or on video. Today I bring you another workshop tour (for those that don’t follow my YouTube) channel as well as some mindful shunting…

In the first video I take a look at a few projects I’m working in including the Hudson GoGo Tractor in 16mm/ft and some OO gauge Wisbech tram conversions. In addition there is a look at Lochdubh, Beaverbrook and Kohlenbachbrücke. 

The second video is a little different and is from my ‘mindful series’. Stripped back its an un-edited, ‘warts and all’ shunting video overlaid with bird song from the Dee Valley. On reflection I wonder if the operative pace is a little too quick to be truly mindful, but watching it last night before bed, I found it had the desired effect on me, allowing me to find my focus on my breath, recognise the racing heart and in the moment find calm.

I hope, if you haven’t seen them already, that you enjoy their very varied styles. Until next time, more soon…

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