Commission: (Another) Mountaineer in 009…

It was in February this year that I last worked on a 'Mountaineer' from Mountaineer Models. That example was finished in a lovely green but this time I was asked to recreate the Jonathan Clay painting...

That meant maroon and adding a thin white line to the edge of each panel as well which I was a little reticent about achieving in such a small space - but my Grandma's old bow pen came to the fore again and did the job! The edge of a 3D printed panel can be a little rough in the corner which is noticeable up close, but step back and the overall effect is very pleasing.

As last time, the plates were etched for me by Steve at Light Railway Stores / Custom Nameplate Studio. He has added these (and 'The Princess' and 'The Prince') to the range. The model has been finished in Humbrol 'crimson' (gloss 20) with the metalwork picked out in Games Workshop brass and copper shades.

The model is a miniature wonder, the Bachmann Percy chassis is sublime to work with and the performance is exemplary for such a tiny thing. If you have an 009 project you'd like me to help with (or any scale or gauge for that manner) get in touch (on here in the menu, or via my Facebook page (no account required) where you can email me - link on the Modelmaking Commissions page) and we can discuss your requirements and I will prepare a fixed price proposal. Until next time though, more soon...

I love writing and creating material for the blog. If you enjoy what you read and engage with I would be appreciative of any donation, large or small, to help me keep it advert and restriction free.
