Dyfrdwy Tramway: Testing testing…

Last week saw the first trains on the tramway for sometime. Whilst initial service was provided by a renewed enthusiasm for live steam, later trains in the days that followed also saw diesel service...

This became an opportunity to test out a few wagons and stock that are 'new' or 'unfinished'. First of all, the bogie bolsters and sawn timber - these have run previously but not for some time so I wanted to check they were consistent runners over the whole tramway. After some small adjustments to the load, and oiling the axles, this was a great success and they add something different to operation - although the overall length does mean they can't easily be used whilst other stock is online!

Totally new - and still unfinished - the rake of converted skips represent the 'modern' era of the tramway. Those familiar with my faux history may recognise these from the 2000s era when the tramway was reopened to move slate waste to the wharf, for use in the housing boom across the border in Cheshire. The usual 'braked' wagon is paired with a pair (groan) of Model-Earth skips. These feature Model-Earth skip ends, but with scratchbuilt deck - and they look great as a trio on the line.

The Simplex 40S easily hauled this new train - seen here on the wharf with another 'unfinished' project, the Bedford lorry - this busy scene representing a mix of eras, but the later commercial operation (post slate) on the tramway. It is this sort of thing that makes me feel that the cranes I wanted to build for the wharf and for the mill would be great additions - and perhaps a more modern Bedford lorry as well... 

With the bags loaded on the back of the Bedford the Simplex is ready to head back up the line for another load - this operation, whilst not a financial success, did ensure the tramways later preservation. In reality, the new wagons now need finishing with proper paint rather than just black primer. 

I have enjoyed running the garden railway again - and recognise it's also something to be shared. Perhaps I should see if I can host a small 7/8ths gathering here in the garden next year? In the meantime I'm sure there will be more soon...

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