Friday Update: Five Seven Twenty-four…

What a crazy week, it feels as if it was only yesterday that it was the weekend - and we're here again, with me writing another wrap up...

The two main jobs here this week have been weathering (another batch of O gauge HOP ABs and a small batch of OO 16t minerals) and layout construction - that said I've had appointments, meetings and days out - it's not all been hectic, but it has certainly flown by!

Layout construction you say - yes, already back into a pair of commissions - a Mosslanda 'Fancy another beer' to the European shelf above - wood is cut, glued and painting underway, hopefully track and wiring next week - before the fun starts - structures and weathering.

There has been time to do a little weathering of my own alongside the wagons - earlier in the week you say the 31 - but I've also finished off the blue/grey Farish 101 and the 009 High Weald open wagons (above). It is nice to see these longer term projects step forwards - and convenient to find time alongside work.

I mentioned days out, well Janey and I took a well deserved trip to Porthmadog on Tuesday and rode the Woodland Wanderer, returning in the open Hudson coach on the rear. We had a lovely time, this really is one of the most beautiful train journeys and I love it each and every time. 

This week the International Eistedfodd is in Llangollen, so there have been a few 'charters' on the railway for visitors - including 31271 back from repair on Thursday - look at that glorious blue sky, it hasn't been like that all week!

Meetings - well work is progressing on the book project. We're aiming for a lower price point and a Christmas market I think with the 'Model Railway Companion' (you can see the cover on the books page). I am also getting excitedly close to be able to reveal a project I've been working on with friend and fellow modeller Paul Marshall-Potter on and off for 3 years - that has the potential to be incredibly exciting, I can't wait to share it with you all.

In the meantime, I've still got today to get through - another meeting and some painting - before a weekend of trains on the railway here again as 'Classic Transport Weekend' descends upon us in the village! I am looking forward to being able to get a beer and watch trains from my local station. I hope you enjoy the weekend wherever you are - until next time, more soon...

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