Progress on Gerald Road…

When I re-cast my early 1980s Bristol based layout ‘Gerald Road’ as a Hifi-micro I committed to myself to complete the structures before making a start on the layout…

Some of these buildings had been started for the prior iteration (office and pub), the warehouse started for Paxton Road 3 (remember that idea?!) and the semi is more recent. All basic structure elements complete I’ve been working on adding some colour over the previous week and whilst far from complete they’re moving forwards.

I’ve noticed that in this case I seem to have adopted a darker tone to them all. Whilst the colours are from my usual palette, informed by local materials, everything feels a little more run down - and I think this darker feel will actually aid the feel of the composition so I’m happy. 

Progress remains slow because when working with enamels it’s important to ensure they’re dry before adding a wash or dry brushing. This pace reflects my general state at the moment too though, so the project continues to be a tonic despite a reduced artistic or creative mojo. I’m sure you all can identify with that feeling, but what I’ve learnt is that doesn’t mean I need to walk away from modelling - just that I need to match the activity to my mindset, only then will it have the mindful soothing effect that I seek.

I am excited to see these small models coming to life and look forward to being able to move quickly through the initial scenic stages of Gerald Road when the time comes. Until next time more soon…

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  1. I've known Bristol, and lived there, on and off, over a long time. It is sometimes hard to connect how it looks now to how it was

    1. I've not been back since my Nan died - so that must have been 2009 or something. I'm hoping to take one of the kids over the summer, it will be strange to revisit the place.


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