Commission: Nettie the Barclay…

Another model destined for Renfrew Wharf, this Andrew Barclay has received a three stage weathering and a new identity in the workshop recently...

The base model was the lined green 'Coronation'. I carefully removed the painted cab side number plates with a sharp blade and replaced these, and the names, with some ordered through the excellent Custom Nameplate Studio (I would say that!). The first stage was then to gently polish the paint on the tanks and cab side, burnishing them with a piece of kitchen roll and a firm finger pressure.

Weathering began with a wash of Humbrol 33 and 98 mixed in various tones along the chassis, wheels, buffer beams and footplates. This was also applied to the cab roof and a diluted wash along the top of the saddle tank. Wiping this off down the side of the tank left some subtle streaks that I was able to preserve through the finish.

Drybrushed gun metal (Humbrol 53) picked out the step edges and where paint may have been worn off, before my usual Humbrol 27004 (2), 133 (1) and 245 (1) part mix was airbrushed over to blend the wash and dry-brushing together.

My customer had supplied the model DCC and sound fitted, but the components are in the cab. He requested a figure to help disguise this, but Modelu figures, whilst obviously to scale, seemed a little too delicate and small. This old Airfix chap worked much better, although his jaunty pose is a little unusual!

I love these small industrials. So much more character and purpose than the out of the box 'Victorian-esque' Hornby W4, my preferred period is definitely later industrial prototypes. Nettie ticks all the boxes for me! If you've got a model you'd like me to change identity and weather I provide a one stop shop service. Get in touch for a personal proposal, until next time, more soon...

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