Commission: Yellow LB in 7/8ths...

Last week saw the first of the 32mm gauge pair of Ruston LB finished and photographed, this week it's the turn of the second, one finished in a distinctive and eye catching 'plant yellow'...

Similar in specification to the previous model, this one however features a full height cab. The worn yellow paint also features wasp striping on each end. The finish should suggest heavy use, but some degree of care - there are no large rust patches or oil leaks, but scuffed paint and dirt aplenty.

Out in the sunshine she looks great, but the high contrast makes it difficult to pick out the subtleties of the finish. I am pleased with the bear metal edges where boots scuff in and out of the cab, and the greasy residue along the hand brake ratchet teeth and some of the sliders on other controls in the cab area.

As with the previous model, I've used green for the low-relief engine, behind the etched side covers which allows you to see some of this detail through the mesh. Often the rear window on these cabs was plated, but my customer requested a glazed window.

As I said in the previous post, this year's batch is sold out - however, I'm happy to take a deposit of £130 to secure a place in next year's final run, with the remaining £1200 due in four instalments throughout the build. Get in touch using the contact form for more details. If you've another prototype in mind, then I'm happy to scratchbuild anything in the larger scales, I enjoy the design and assembly process and odd or unique machines are a real joy to put together. Get in touch! In the meantime, more soon...


  1. Beautiful work James - that looks absolutely stellar. Love the crispness of the details and your final finish - looks right at home in the garden.

    1. Thank you Steve, I'm really pleased with it, it's especially hard to let these models go as they have so much of me in their creation but I enjoy the stories I hear from their new owners. Natural light and the garden work wonders for model realism anyhow, so it certainly helps with these...

  2. I love this yellow just as much as the "minty green" you used on some of your other builds ... it is very hard to tell this apart for an actual full-scale loco ... the engine behind the mesh adds a lot to the believably ... nice work!

    1. Thank you Rob, yes I love the yellow too, and the models side panels and half relief engine are even more effective in the flesh.

    2. Have to ask ... was the missing bolt casting intentional? Or just a lucky happening? I think it as a nice added touch of realism to the model.

    3. One of those little considered touches that comes to me when I’m putting them together. Not planned… the hole had to be drilled as the castings fit directly to the flat surface.


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