The SDL39 and Prince Edward Island…

In the first few years of provincial ownership the Prince Edward Island railway managed to get by with three second hand worn out GMD1 from old mother Canadian National...

These first years from 1989 until 1992 are crucial to our survival. As traffic settles down into a largely predictable seasonal pattern we look to growth and manage to bring back some lost traffic to rail. When CN is privatised in 1995, it's maritime operation 'TerraTransport' sees the PEIR operation as a natural extension of their network, and with CN's acquisition of Wisconsin Central in 1999, and the selling off of the Milwaukee Road's custom branchline SDL39 we pick up a pair of these second generation GPs. With 2300hp over our old GMD1's 1200 they're usefully more powerful and we can use one in place of a pair. Light enough to tip toe over our lighter weight track, but with an EMD645 based prime mover that we've standardised upon across the TerraTransport empire.

Kinross is my small cameo layout based upon the Murray Harbour branch towards the end of the 1970s when trains ran no further than the Visser warehouse, just east of Uigg. The SDL39 is the wonderful ScaleTrains model that I have re-finished and weathered. A wonderful way to explore the what if back story of the Terra Transport expansion across the maritimes in miniature. Until next time, more soon...

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