Kinross is born...

The addition of the backscene and borrowing the lid and lighting from Pont-y-dulais and the new cameo layout based on Kinross, Prince Edward Island, Canada, comes to life...
This is an exciting milestone. I’ve been ill, possibly with the dreaded COVID over the holidays, so progress has been hampered by long spells in bed or on the sofa, but I’ve really enjoyed getting the holistic project including the GE70t and a start on rolling stock together at the same time. This approach I feel is going to bring real cohesion to the scene, through a shared physical period of birth and evolution, along with a more subtle connection through a balanced palette and choice of colour.

I should be back in the workshop this week, health permitting, so it seems a poignant moment to reflect on what I have achieved over the festive period despite the lockdown and personal health. I’m really pleased. More soon... 


  1. I hope you are feeling better soon! Good progress despite being ill...

    1. Thanks Steve, renewed National loco down here, and I still feel totally wiped out. I’m a healthy individual, early 40s, no pre existing conditions, don’t drink excessively, don’t smoke, out walking most days... I’d hate to imagine how ill some people must be with it, my elderly neighbour already has problems with their chest, it is not a joke and I worry many think it’s just a cold.

  2. Sorry to hear you've been unwell, hope you are back to normal soon, whatever it is.


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